The Women’s College Association

In 2019, The Women’s College (TWC) adopted a new Constitution. The Constitution sets out how the Council operates and provides for certain functions to be performed by the Association contemplated by the Letters Patent issued to establish the College in 1914. The College now intends to formalise the Association.

The Association’s purpose is to exercise the functions and powers of the Association as set out in the TWC Constitution. They comprise electing some Council Members, receiving the annual report of The Women’s College, receiving the audited financial statements of TWC, appointing auditors and, if necessary, amending the TWC Constitution. These matters are the business of an Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Association, which will be held at such time as the Council determines. The AGM is usually held each year in September.

To join the The Women’s College Association, you must be an eligible member as follows:

  • Councillor
  • Past Councillor
  • Fellow of the College
  • Graduates who have been in residence as students for a period of at least one year or periods amounting to at least one year.